Paradise in the Amalfi Coast

Beautiful scenery, cooking and eating delicious food, enjoying new friends, love and attention from the CDV team…these are just examples of what I experienced during my Amalfi Coast CD vacation.

Written By: Daisy L.
Location: Reno - NV - US
Review Source: Website
Type of Traveler: Friends
Itinerary: Amalfi Coast

Full Review

It all started with breathtaking view upon entering the Amalfi coast, then on to the beautiful Villa with many steps going up to get to our rooms. The fact that we all stayed in the Villa made it easy for us to get to know each other. We cooked different Italian foods and enjoyed eating them too! The boat rides to Capri and Positano were so much fun, there really was no time to be bored. We went to Ravello by bus. I must say, it was my favorite of all the towns we visited. All the excursions were well planned; we were never hungry and we had plenty of time to shop, as well.  Paula, Danielle, and Nemo took care of us from day 1. Danielle and Nemo served as our guides during our excursions to different places along the coast. This was truly a family affair. Paula’s husband, Pepe, was the main chef. He was assisted by Paula’s mom and dad (I just call them Mama and Papa). Paula’s brother is a good baker and made pastries for us. Paula’s daughter joined us too and she is so much fun. This kind of closeness made us all feel like a big family. Everyone who were in the tour with me were nice, kind, respectful, and above all FUN! I can’t wait to go on another CD vacation.

Sample Photo from this Itinerary